How many inquiries does an influencer get during the day?
The more followers a channel has, the more queries you get for granted. Influencer’s of a huge influencer or modeling agency get many requests. There are a few steps, from micro influencer to those bigger ones. Already from 5000 fans (5K) your channel becomes interesting for some companies and you get first cooperation requests. Understandably, larger bloggers therefore have little time to answer e-mails immediately. If you have over 50,000 followers (50K), you get up to 10 or 15 cooperation requests in one day. Here the good advertising campaigns from the less good to separate is already a great challenge. Many questions even for “samples”. Then you get only goods, no salary. Then comes the whole communication with the company. This can quickly overwhelm you as an influencer and therefore, time limits of 24 hours are often not met. Especially if you are traveling as an influencer and can send the e-mails only in the evening from the hotel. With 500,000 followers (500K) it is already up to 80, 90 requests a day.
If the companies then also demand specific offers, which of course you still have to write, you can also quickly reach your limits as a professional Instagram. Some have managers or agencies, but most do not. Everyone wants to know how much his seeming value, of course not only out of the blue sky, but calculated by smart algorithms. With statistics, meaningful diagrams and the most up-to-date ratios of your own channel.
You have done all these points, from the first request via a direct message to Instagram or an e-mail, the sorting of good requests and less good, the first response and the first feedback, as well as the detailed offer, with statistics and diagrams, it can start with the post!